Monday, April 27, 2015

Thoughts.. :)

How i feel...depends on what i think....and what i think...depends on so many things. It is quite easy to think...when it comes to thinking about anything and everything or to just let our mind wander as it likes....But when it is to focus our thoughts on something....or when we want to think only about good and see the positive things.....sometimes...the opposite happens! Why.....? A very simple....very general...question....which can't be answered so easily. 

We all know that it is always better to see the colorful side of let only good thoughts conquer us....

Sometimes...when i think of the small small things make me smile from a complete stranger when I am in some kind of confusion......or a song that was forgotten long before but still brings so many colorful memories when i hear it now......or a conversation with a friend who makes me laugh...makes me come back to my spirits whatever mood I was in...

And when it comes to my unhappiness....i realise...very silly things.....i let very very silly things take over my thoughts sometimes!! And now I am happy that i realised it is actually small things that comes out when I expect something from others..or when i receive the most unexpected...or when i judge..which i should never be doing....! 

Yes! It all depends on sorrows.....all these are reflections of my thoughts....things i choose to do.....people I choose to be with.....! It's just the way I look at it... :)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Being Grateful!!!

A new day...very fresh..very beautiful...and very very colorful :)

I always feel that its really great if one could start a day with an attitude of gratitude!

First of all...being thankful for letting me get up this morning....that too without anything much to worry about....there may be many...who are not that lucky.

I feel great...and really thankful..when i see the sun rises.....when i see the plants wake up with the first rays of sun and slightly sway with the breeze to send out the fragrance of their flowers to me and to the world... that's the best good morning wish I can think of :)

The first sip of my freshly brewed coffee.....keeps me fresh for the whole day :)

The naughty smile my little one gives me...with her eyes closed....when I kisss  her good makes my day!!

That soft..quick hugs and kisses...from my angel and from my sweetheart...when we say bye and wish a good day to each other...I realize means world to me :)

The whole day i spend...with my routine works....with my books.....chit chat wih my friends....sometimes in my small garden.....daily routine drives..... even if sometimes the repetitions irritates me....ha ha....I enjoy all these.......these small small things....actually makes me happy.....and happiness is my choice :) :) :) and I am thankful for being able to choose happiness :) :) :)

Great :)

Yes!!!! I feel!!! :)  Now i realize that i shouldn't have stopped writing....that was a very big mistake I have done to myself..! I know there is no point in 'should..could...would...haves' :) :)  I am really glad that I am back...back to my own path...the path of a seeker....the path to self realisation :)

I know I am smiling a lot... :) yes....I really am :) :)

I was leading a confused life all these years....I think!

I was confused....about almost everything.....about my intentions.....about a whole....! I may not be able to tell why...but....I know..I was! And may be that realisation is helping me to come out of it and be myself....the happy...ever :) :) :)

Saturday, April 18, 2015


I feel like a baby here :) I wonder...what kept me away from writing....all these years!!!! I know there is no such excuse which can justify this :(
May be i can say...i was can't.....because I was not really....may be I was lazy.....that is also not a very good one can be that busy or keep themselves away from something they love to do...for this long!!

I do not know....what really kept me away from something i enjoyed most...writing down my thoughts and feelings...!
May be there is nothing to be surprised about my ignorance about this...almost everything is unknown to me now.....!

After all these years..when i was going through my old posts....I was wondering.....where i can find that person who wrote all that.....who wrote about her dreams....ambitions......who always tried to see the colors of life....who used to once shout to the whole world...that...she is here to make a live life to the show the world the power of smile,love,kindness and show the world what magic her dreams will do.....!!!!

Did she really exist.....? I doubt....